Eric Brommer



 Welcome to Chick-fil-A Annandale!

Megan, my wonderful wife, and I are excited to serve and meet every one of you!

 Before I share about myself, you must first know my brother, Alex “Al” Brommer. We all were blessed to spend 29 years, 3 months, and 12 days with Al until he passed away on July 1st, 2018. Al was My Brother, but also My Best Friend. Al lived by his Life Verse, “Love Yourz”, which is a song by J Cole. Since Al passed away, I have felt a calling and purpose to live out his Life Verse, “Love Yourz”, which he always embodied so well. So Annandale, I promise that as long as I am your Operator, I will always “Love Yourz”.

 “Love Yourz”

I Promise to Love My Family

I Promise to Love My Employees

I Promise to Love Everyone we are so fortunate enough to serve and walk into our doors

I Promise to Love Our Community

I Promise to Love The Chick-fil-A Brand

 Megan- Being able to call you My Wife, Sophie Our Daughter, Al, Kurt & Matt, My Brothers, Sue & Mase My Parents, and NOW Chick-fil-A Annandale My Home, I am the happiest person in the world.